Understanding the Eurozone Crisis in the Mirror of Germany’s Visions of Europe
Center of Philosophy, School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon
Understanding the Eurozone Crisis in the Mirror of Germany’s Visions of Europe
Dedalus 25 (2021), pp. 13-45. Download PDF
Since the defeat of the III Reich in World War II, the history of Germany has been defined by an attitude of great commitment to European integration, which has transformed it from the beginning of the process that would lead to the current European Union into the main “locomotive” of European unity. In this essay, centred on the study of Germany’s responses to the Eurozone crisis, the goal is, going beyond the superficial and phenomenal level, to identify the three political metamorphoses of German history since 1945, as well as the changes in the representation of Europe and its future meant by the different economic doctrines and policies, still in dispute.
Keywords: European integration (theories), federalism, hegemony, monetary union (doctrines), ordoliberalism
Desde a derrota do III Reich na II Guerra Mundial, a história da Alemanha é marcada por uma atitude de grande empenhamento na integração europeia, que a transformou desde os inícios do processo que conduziria à actual União Europeia na principal “locomotiva” da unidade europeia. Neste ensaio, centrado no estudo das respostas da Alemanha à crise da Zona Euro, procura-se, ultrapassando o plano superficial e fenoménico, identificar as três metamorfoses políticas da história alemã desde 1945, bem como as mudanças na representação da Europa e do seu futuro que as diferentes doutrinas económicas, ainda em disputa, significam.
Palavras-chave: federalismo, hegemonia, integração europeia (teorias), união monetária (doutrinas), ordoliberalismo