Norberto do Vale Cardoso
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
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A cidadela inacabada: A contenção emocional em António Lobo Antunes
Dedalus 21 (2017), pp. 139-156. Download PDF

The huge emotional burden that a war necessarily involves can be both an important experience as a constraint to a writer. In many situations the ‘man who lived and writes’ is mixed with ‘the man who is written’, solving, on the one hand, a redemption of the self, but carrying, on the other hand, some aesthetic issues. This means that a writer is trying to reveal his ‘citadel’ and, at the same time, hiding it from the ‘city’ because he wants to reveal himself completely, but he’s not able to do it without violence (he’s not still capable to deal with his feelings and managing the language he uses to express himself) and, simultaneously, he feels that the ‘city’ (the community to which he belongs) is unprepared to receive his legacy. How can a writer overcome this question? Inspired by an essay written by Américo Diogo and Rosa Sil Monteiro, we’ll be entering António Lobo Antunes’s ‘citadel’, where we’ll try to discuss this question.