Emílio Rui Vilar
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
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Um olhar sobre o modelo da União Europeia
Dedalus 25 (2021), pp. 101-114. Download PDF
The European Communities were launched within a specific historic and political context. Their central aim was to overcome the nightmare of World War II and consolidate peace; to rebuild countries devastated by the conflict; to prepare the former colonial powers for decolonization; to face the threats of communist subversion and the military threat of the Soviet Union.
With its major founding objectives now successfully achieved, are the European institutions prepared to deal with new and different challenges?
Given the deep economic, geopolitical, and military changes of the ecosystem in which these institutions were developed, does the European Union maintain the strength that will allow it to address its own weaknesses and respond to an adverse environment?
Will the answers to these questions lie in the political voluntarism of its leaders, in the collective effort of democratic participation by European citizens, or will reinvention arise from necessity and crisis?
Keywords: European Union, World War II, decolonization, Soviet Union, crisis, the future of Europe